Tuesday 13 February 2018


Lab 3: Noise reduction and WB

ISO 100




ISO 800








I was using a canon 6D

When shooting at ISO 100 either low, standard or high you don't notice that much of a difference. But at ISO 3200 I notice a slight difference between the low and high. It seems as if the low setting seems more grainy when looking at the image as a whole while when shooting with the high setting the image seems a little blended, as seen in the exit sign the box looks a little blurry. The image quality is a lot sharper when shooting on the low setting at iso 3200 but the noise makes it more rough verses the higher setting you loose a little bit of sharpness but the noise is slightly reduced but making the image soft.

Would I use these setting? I would probably use low or standard but not the high setting because of some of the detail loss. The low and standard seem to do a descent job but I wouldn't notice a huge difference is I had these settings on or off.

White Balance

All plant images where shot at 1/500 sec at f/ 1.8 iso 400

Auto White Balance

Shade White Balance

Fluorescent White Balance

The library had all kinds of crazy lights going on. There was sun coming out through the window, then the lights from above and finally the pink walls bouncing light all around. The first image was shot using the auto white balance setting. The tones look a little off cause the background seems slightly purple while the plant looks a little orange. I would have needed to do a custom white balance to shoot in the library. The second setting I used was shadow white balance which turned everything orange and when shooting in fluorescent the tones become purple.

Shot at 1/125/ at f/ 1.8,  iso 800

I used the outdoor sun white balance to shoot this, the proper setting would have had to be fluorescent. The setting used makes the seen a lot warmer and calm. Would I use the wrong white balance on purpose? Yes, sometimes using the wrong white balance can create some interesting moods in certain scenes.

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